Sketching sessions ✏️

Meetings Other

Every 3rd Sunday of the month, take part in a sketching session under the auspices of a comic book artist.

Want to learn how to sketch from life? Our sketching sessions are open to all: teenagers and young adults, students, young writers and aspiring artists.


Sunday 15/12 – Thibau Vande Voorde (NL)
Sunday 19/01 – Adlynn Fischer (FR)
Sunday 16/02 – Jeroen Janssen (NL)
Sunday 16/03 – Pauline Spira (FR)
Sunday 20/04 – TBC (NL)
Sunday 18/05 – TBC (FR)
Sunday 06/15 – TBC (NL)




Belgian Comic Strip Center

Rue des Sables 20

1000 Bruxelles

Infos pratiques

  • 5€ per session (including museum admission) or 20€ for 5 sessions (15€ for under-26s, seniors and children).
  • from 2 pm to 3:30 pm
  • register using this form or at the museum reception desk on the day of the event
  • payment the same day at the museum reception desk
    materials included in the price
  • accompaniment in the speaker’s language


One Sunday a month, from 2 to 3:30 p.m.


+ 32 (0)2 219 19 80

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