Piola Libri


Since 2007, Piolalibri is (also) an independent bookstore, in the center of Europe, located in Brussels. The bookstore specializes in Italian fiction and completes its catalog with a wide selection of other types of books: history, philosophy, poetry, foreign fiction, graphic novels and fiction for children and teenagers. It is a reference point for the purchase of Italian language learning manuals, and participates in fairs and markets and organizes meetings and presentations.

Piolalibri is a place of escape and encounter, a “literary bar”, a table set for a meal, the room of your childhood, a den of subversives, a stage for theater, music and artists, a wine and food refuge, a tarnished glass, a cultural club, a small match.


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Piola Libri

Rue Franklin 66

1000 Bruxelles

Infos pratiques

Open from Monday to Saturday, from 12 am to 8 pm



+32 (0)2 736 93 91

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