BD Comic Strip Festival

Temporary events Meetings Signing sessions Free

The scenario changes slightly, the Comic Strip Festival is now called…drum roll… the BD Comic Strip Festival and takes place at the Gare Maritime and in the Sheds of Tour & Taxis. But the paper heroes remain the same! You will find your favorite characters, authors and authors through exhibitions, workshops, meetings, screenings, signings and many other activities for young and old. Not forgetting the International Pavilion and the unmissable Atomium Awards introduced in 2017.



Gare Maritime (Tour & Taxis)

Rue Picard 11


Belgian Comic Strip Center

Rue des Sables 20

1000 Bruxelles

Infos pratiques

Organized annually in September by Visit.Brussels


©, rue Royale 2-4, 1000 Bruxelles
Presse : Noémie Wibail –

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