Les Rendez-Vous BD de Saint-Gilles

Meetings Signing sessions Free

The BD Web bookstore is happy to announce the first edition of the “Rendez-vous BD de Saint-Gilles”!

Since the opening of their establishment, they are committed to supporting the artists and publishers of their town. Through events, showcases and other joys.

And since they want to make discover comics to the greatest number of people, they often take the signing out of the bookshop walls to go in a bar, restaurant,…

This event is the logical continuation of all this, but on a larger scale!

A stroll during a weekend, to discover the cultural wealth of this town where it is so good to live!

And for this first edition they wanted to put a country in the spotlight: Italy. Simply because the Italian artists are more and more present in the landscape of the Franco-Belgian comics, but also because Italy is part of the identity of the town ^^

The festival is intended to be for everyone and accessible to all.




BD Web

Rue de Tamines 25

1060 Bruxelles

Infos pratiques

Place Maurice Van Meenen – 1060 Saint-Gilles


Poster en visuals © Mariia Timofeeva


The program will be updated regularly so do not hesitate to come back on the page dedicated to the event.



Visit the website

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