Galerie Huberty Breyne


Specialized for nearly 30 years in original comics, Huberty & Breyne has established itself as an international reference in the field of the 9th Art.

Present in Brussels and Paris, the gallery offers collectors a rigorous selection of original works signed by the greatest masters of the line such as Hergé, Franquin, Martin, Hubinon or Schuiten. It is the exclusive representative of Milo Manara and also works with contemporary artists such as Philippe Geluck, François Avril, Jean-Claude Götting, Loustal, Miles Hyman and Christophe Chabouté.

The gallery takes part in major art market events such as Brafa (Brussels Antiques & Fine Arts Fair), 1 – 54 London, Art Paris Art Fair and Drawing Now.

At the same time, Alain Huberty and Marc Breyne are the experts for comics at Christie’s.




Galerie Huberty Breyne

place du Châtelain 33

1050 Bruxelles

Infos pratiques

Tuesday > Saturday : 11 am to 6 pm

+32 (0)2 893 90 30

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